Did you and ftx both sign contracts saying that they would never implement a sicario that defended against missile attacks on a Finca...
Yeah didn't think so
What everyone needs to realise with players using this new sicario they are having to give up one of there normal sicarios to use her. So that will make it slightly easier if you use a good deploy squad.
Firebombs will never win events/tournaments. Missiles are still fine to use in them. With perfect missile squads you can still take down every building with 1 shot each, just pick ur buildings wisely and make a path to the Finca.. A little bit of thought can go a long way.
Yeah I spent about 2k gold on chest and got one and because we new she was coming I had been crafting gear for her. I ranked her up added some talents then after the event I got another one from a silver chest. I've only put one on my base, because if I was to put a 2nd their I'd be losing more...
i don't know about all you's but I am sick to death of all these players having a cry and constant whinge about how there Diego squads are now useless.
They arn't useless you just have to use them the way you used to use them, you know blowing up afew building then...
Well said mate, hopefully some of these guys that are having a cry can read this and maybe see the bigger picture other then only seeing that they can't missile BB anymore.
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