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  1. Supreme Leader

    Chase reply to messages!!!

    @Chase - FTX Games why are you not replying to messages??? FTX “support” is a joke!
  2. Supreme Leader

    Strategy game

    anyone can suggest any good strategy games? Obviously one with no association with FTX I already play B.B., been maxed there for months so over it.
  3. Supreme Leader

    New update

    dear @Chase - FTX Games We waited 6 days for this new and exiting update, i was so exited this morning to finally be able to update to find out the new sicario feature is for the next update???? So what did FTX do in the last week??
  4. Supreme Leader

    New event, FTX at it again....

    Event is starting today??? But already finished?? Get your SHI T together FTX!
  5. Supreme Leader

    Guerrilla gear

    @Chase - FTX Games 3 events in as many weeks and no Guerrilla gear?? Whats with that mate? Ahhh.....I know, guerrilla gear will be a gold offer..... You sly dogs....
  6. Supreme Leader


    Who's next....
  7. Supreme Leader

    Yeah baby!!!

    Nuf said
  8. Supreme Leader

    Just to be clear

    It is just as **** for a top Cartels being matched with a much lower cartel, yes its a easy win but as there is no contest it's also pretty boring. The loot for the win is also a lot less, which can slow Compound upgrades, you resort to having every member to inflict max damage to improve odds...
  9. Supreme Leader

    And the gremlins are back...

    @Chase - FTX Games getting this error a lot, are you aware of it?
  10. Supreme Leader

    New update

    @Chase - FTX Games any clues on what is new update?
  11. Supreme Leader

    New forum feature

    Is it possible to have a feature where we can use gold to get a answer. Maybe have 3 tiers: Tier 1 100 gold, casual standard answer within 7-10 days Tier 2 200 gold, answer regarding actual issue within 3-6 days Tier 3 500 gold, actual informed answer within 24h Whatch ya thank?
  12. Supreme Leader

    Daily reward

    Hey @Chase - FTX Games what ever happened to the daily reward for logging in the game?? Poor turnout?
  13. Supreme Leader

    Location reward

    Dear @Chase - FTX Games, I had a thought for the ever so busy developers, it would be good if another option in the "Location" could be a Reduce troop healing time. What you think?
  14. Supreme Leader

    New Event

    Dear @Chase - FTX Games, why doesn't a revenge hit on a player count towards the event "defeat players?" Seems unfair considering it can be hours before some appear on map. Or is it another FTX gold grabbing scheme? Ahhh I'm so naive, don't worry about replying if that's the case.
  15. Supreme Leader

    New Building

    Can a new building be a chimichanga stand?
  16. Supreme Leader

    New Building

    Can a new building be a chimichanga stand?
  17. Supreme Leader

    Riddle time

    Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
  18. Supreme Leader

    Food stamps for gold

    Maybe a thought for those doing it tough with the game and not getting a break, the battlers always complaining about nerf this and nerf that, ban players and just generally feeling like the victims of the game maybe allow food stamps for gold, @Chase - FTX Games? Or MAYBE... just quit!! Now...
  19. Supreme Leader

    Upgrade buildings for cheap??

    @Chase - FTX Games, what buildings are they??? I have none! Ahhh... I get it.... Another one of your sneake ploys! You devil you....
  20. Supreme Leader


    What’s a four-letter word that ends in “k” and means the same as intercourse?