Want to join Slovenija Team cartel level 54 and be a part of great cartel?


New Member
Slovenija Team cartel is looking for serious active players to join our cartel and or a cartel that’s looking to merge over with us to further strengthen your playing experience.

We are one of the best cartel in Slovenia. So....

- Our compound is level 54
- you get one defence sicario for your base
- 2 extra soldiers for squad camp expansion
- 5 points of extra energy flux
- currently 8% bonus extra superior fortification health for your base and progressing
- plenty of Capo club perks both increased damage and health to buildings and weapons with the addition of increased resource production

I’m a highly active player and Capo (level 62) of this cartel that I’ve been leading for almost one year now, or maybe longer. I enjoy this game and would like to bring aboard some like minded players with the appropriate outfit. We have many players that can assist and provide tips on how to be top in your level!

So we are looking for active players for wars...donation...chests on weekends...

To join:

Cartel search: Slovenija Team

Download line app and search for me with ID number: 23236060

Good luck to all of you