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  1. D


    Again ... Whats the use of a port if theres no boats. Thats like a sandwich without bread... A car without wheels.... a house with no roof..... a phone with no phonenumber.... Aka useless.....
  2. D

    Does Chase still work at FTX?

    I prefer Bora Bora
  3. D


    Show me that post where i cried lol Or lets look over your posts where you keep whining at others. @Maniakbn96 WHAHAHA you so funny guy... so verry funny guy.... lol And D-Block..... For you it still would be Sir loser.. Raid all you want.... i quit playing this game for the obvious reasons...
  4. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    1 after talking.... The point is.... he handled this situation bad
  5. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

  6. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    So there we go... Wow 1 day...... @Chase - FTX Games ... Really? 1 day ..... thats a bit hard to believe. Or does that imply you guys got special favors? Anyways my german neighbour the question comes down to why your defending FTX. Dont get us wrong.. we dont blame chase personally in any...
  7. D


    Didnt see it... But doesnt this raise another question... Whats a cartel port without a boat... so whats the whole idea about still having a cartel port lol. @Chase - FTX Games maybe you should post a job offer where you guys hire someone with common sense. Isn't there anyone with FTX that...
  8. D

    We need official statment

    @Chase - FTX Games I think FTX has problems saying it so I'll summarize it in an UNOFFICIAL STATEMENT: 'We messed up, now game is dead'
  9. D

    I officially quit

    Most of the above kinda made me stop playing the game. -I stopped buying roughly $50 gold a month. -I stopped ranking. Slowly dropping rank allready. All I still do is boost my cartel as much as possible. If i will quit Im not sure yet. Probably will in the long run. @Chase - FTX Games...
  10. D


    Wheeeeeheee Booooohoooooooo Stop crying d-.ock
  11. D

    Please do consider fixing league system

    The ranking system is kinda strange in this game because there is no equal chance in the game. Not every player gets same amount of attacks. This creates an unfair situation if you talk about ranking. Also the new update killed the chance to catch up in ranking. Even if you were catching up...
  12. D

    Why is it so hard??l?

    There should be an option to invite or promote your cartel better within the game. They could use global chat where people can send out invitations(limited offcourse) for their cartel
  13. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    Ah well... I wont support such behaviour by rewarding it and buy gold. Their game.... my money.. and i have this feeling im not the only one who stopped buying gold. @Chase - FTX Games I hope dry bread tastes well.
  14. D

    About complaining on gold and real money

    I doubt waiting solves it buddy. I think you missed the whole point
  15. D

    About complaining on gold and real money

    Well I didnt mention any fun part. It should be doable without a huge session. I choose to speed up the game by using gold in certain upgrades. I agree with the concept of when you pay the most you are at the best spot in the circus. So no need to defend the way life works. This is not about...
  16. D

    About complaining on gold and real money

    There are people that do have a life which includes doing other things than playing games all day. The point is that it should be possible to play the game in different ways. This includes also being able to upgrade your finca if you play less.
  17. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    I think they will try to adjust it again soon. But i dont expect that it will go back to same level opponents only... to be fair.
  18. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    No actually he means that in a good way. some patience will pay off for you in your life.
  19. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    Ermmm if they changed it... doesnt that make it unbalanced? Besides I dont see why it can't be +/- 1 level. Currently i think its still too wide with 2/3 lvls difference.
  20. D

    About complaining on gold and real money

    Lol @Vinnie Di Maggio Even if you have a point... your not making it very clear. There is a balance in a game between being able to play it for free and spend gold on it. The balance in this game clearly needs work. Bashing on people who complain is silencing that what you dont want to hear...