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  1. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    Lol, that wont work with everyone. I'd be calling you first thing in the morning. Just before your lunch starts and 5 minutes before your day ends... every day till its solved.........
  2. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    In that case I would resend it. Maybe cc it to their info@ And tell them you still expect an answer.
  3. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    Lets hope they do find the right balance. somewhere i must admit that the matchmaking was not challenging before. At some point it became too easy. I still dont believe they have found it. changing it has side effects as we are all finding out
  4. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    First of all. I Partly agree with you. their reaction is below what you would expect. Though they partly listened and adjusted. So its not they dont care at all. They also responded to my email. Secondly... to develop and run a game costs money. So it is fair when you like a game you enjoy...
  5. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    Well lol YES!!!! But pride costs money, thing is. They owned by playtech.. long story short... they are a casino operator. So you can forget that they will admit they made mistakes. 'In my life i always I always said: It is not the mistakes we make that defines us. But what we do to set it...
  6. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    It is still too big of a difference. I suggest changing it to 1 level. the smaller guys i raid have no chance getting me back. The bigger guys raiding me are too strong on average still to retaliate. The negative effect of this all are my resources that are out of balance. mainly the cash is...
  7. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    I f I'm not going to leave anywhere cause of you.... Lvl 37 in 9 weeks buddy. But i'll do my best to get in your range. I'd like to see you try. And how long did it take you?
  8. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    I nev Too fast??? Explain me... i cant grow fast enough lol
  9. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    1-3 levels is no problem. Being raided by lvl 44 player when lvl37 is ******. Either it should have been like that from the start... or at least have a chance to retaliate succesfully
  10. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    If They can use finca level as extra filter. Even then if you dont upgrade your finca you cant upgrade the rest either. You wont get extra defense. Yes you can be srong in offense. But i could still retaliate them. And these more difficult ones would move to the next segment of opponents when...
  11. D

    [Poll] Matchmaking Changes Feedback

    I started playing this game about 3 months ago. managed to finish first in most of the leagues i played so far by putting in effort. I play for the top rank and managed to get into the top 25 of my country by now. Offcourse at certain points in the game I chose to accellerate the game by...
  12. D

    Do you like last update?

    Olga just got passed the standard answers routine and politely told me it is not possible to refund me due to a change in the game.
  13. D

    Do you like last update?

    I asked for a refund as i paid money based on a different game. This nice lady Olga at first tries to blow me off with a standard reply I know which company is behind FTX games. Playtech is a casino operator owned by israeli. Allready poking in my network FTX guys. it would be better for your...
  14. D

    Suggestions to make this game the best

    Marlo stfu and die kthnx. The only ***** around here is you.
  15. D

    Hello hello........

    Anybody home from ftx? It almost looks like we players care more about the game than you guys at FTX..... FYI (in case you havent noticed yet) : We are all kind of waiting for you guys to fix our pleasure in playing again.
  16. D

    Do you like last update?

    Lol normally i would tell them to share.
  17. D

    Do you like last update?

    Lol i just emailed their admin casey@funtactix.com where i can get my refund The phone nr listed for them : +1 858 361 5539 Registered in NY, US
  18. D

    FTX not looking out for paying customers

    Am a lvl 38 player being raided by lvl 44 players cause i played for ranking. within 2.5 month i ranked into the top25 in my country. PLAYING DAILY just to be king of the hill. It is a normal concept in a game there are the strong ones and weak ones. I won 8 leagues out of 9 i played so far and...
  19. D

    Do you like last update?

    FTX TIME IS TICKING.... Sticking your head in the sand won't make us stop complaining. I spend $ to rank. And you change the rules. This is unacceptable!! Change it back or refund us all. Everyone please also send emails to them to complain as hard as you can. please keep it polite but to the...
  20. D

    FTX not looking out for paying customers

    About half day left before uninstal. FTX Thanks for completely ruining my gameplay. Your dev guys are idiots for this upgrade