Hi , does anybody has issues with a wars after update ? My cartel getting an enemies over 100k 140k rating some of them top 20, its imposible to win they way to strong , half of the players with worden towers , most of our players over 50 55 lvl . The same was couple updates back but they changed something and its went back to normal , now after last update wars is impossible to win , no ammo anymore , compound is loaded with resources we can't do upgrades :/
Either you are
A: a time traveler came from the future, a future where this issue was solved and you actually played multiable and many games with proper matchmaking ...
B: you just joined the game very recently.
because war matchmaking system were corrupt since ever, not from past update, not from the update before, actually it was never okay ( except after few months of game release ) , and no , it wasn't okay couple updates before, it was solely by accident and pure luck you got matches that suits your cartel, if I remember correctly, we had only ONE match with all players are suiting each other in past 1 year. All the rest were either the pound is extremely hard to destroy (massive 20-30 levels difference, causing losing many attacks just to destroy it and eventually losing the war)
Player matching is ridiculously improper (we had many wars where enemy got all 60+ bases and ours got mix of 40s 50s and 60s ) , we win by defends and luck that oher cartel don't have enough active players.
Also we occasionally have been matched with top 10 cartels while we are not even on top 100 ... And am talking about something that's happening since EVER.
Plamee and FTX are just cooperating making more sicarios and events for cash, not for fixing the game. Here's a leaked footage of prove :