Enemy of the State Active Members Only


Well-Known Member

Level 27 Compound

19/50 Active Members

3,347 Rating

10/18 Wars won

Open, minimum level 18, no minimum rating

I have been with these guys for a few weeks and they really have their act together. If you are looking for a cartel to call home, you have found it. Welcome to Enemy of the State!
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Well-Known Member
No sweat, hahah Goliath, I like it.. Out of curiosity on average how many attacks would it take yous to take down a compound?
2-3 on average. I haven't looked at yours yet, though. I will wager a guess it will be 3 at a minimum. We will go down fighting, that's for sure!


New Member
We do not take prisoners either. AND even when we lose, we leave your few survivors licking their wounds. I think we accomplished that Dogs. Considering the overall levels of your players, I think the score was more than respectable.

Enemy of the State


Unlucky lads, yous put up a good scrap, but we only continue to grow stronger by the day..

Next time bring your A-Game!