Swiss #1 cartel "Narcos Zurigo" is looking for active members


New Member
Narcos Zurigo #1 in Switzerland, level 50, Finca 25, Club Capos 27. We are looking for active members. We are a good team, motivated, speak several languages. We are multicultural. Entry level minimum 48, but flexible on that. Don't be shy, we will escalate the World ranking. Join today!
Hi, is the minimum level still 48? I am only 33 3/4, but on day 36. I should make it to 40 in a little over a month. I am very active, use all attacks and donate daily (donation lv 19).

Do you have line app?
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New Member
Hi HenryHimmler, currently is open to lower level, just join us, you are welcome. We use cartel chat to communicate. We are also very active. We cleaned up some inactive players therefore we want to have fresh players. We have already few joining. Thanks
Cool :) i could join after a while. First some wars and a few important upgrades. Could you send some screenshots of your cartel? It really sucks that the game doesn't let you search for other cartels, unlike in other games.


New Member
The game allow you to search but the result is according to your level (i.e. you search a specific cartel but the entry level is higher than yours, then this cartel doesn't appear on your search).
Which screenshots do you like to see? Can you join?
Are you absolutely sure I can search for other cartels when I'm already in one?
Just a pic where I can see # of members, wars won, and the first 4-5 players. Gives more information.
I can join, but after a few wars and upgrades^.


New Member
You have to go out from the current cartel to be able to search for a new one. If you are checking around for a new cartel it probably means that you are not happy with your current location. I tried to upload the screenshot but the image is too large, sorry about that, here the summary:
level 51, members 19, rating 6402, won 80/129, first 5 members rating between 50 and 60
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