We believe that how we do business is just as important as the business we do. We operate with a set of values that expresses our philosophy.
Our Philosophy
It’s imperative to ensure every member of our team is deeply invested in our strategy and tactics. Towards that end, we practice transparency at every level of our business, emphasizing 360-degree communication to ensure that every team member understands both the decisions we’re all making and why we’re making them.
We work in the world of live product development, not one-off launches. Accordingly, we want to make sure our staff stays fresh and ready to perform at the highest level over the long haul. We invest in the quality of life of our team and ensure everyone has ample time off in order to ensure that we retain our teammates as well as we retain our players.
Teammates, Not Employees
We don’t bring new staff onto the team unless they can be the absolute best at their craft. Accordingly, we consider everyone a master of their own domain and trust them to execute on their goals at the highest possible level. We set big goals for our teammates and give them the room to get after them. We also like to have some fun while we’re at it.
Personal Growth
Every team member we bring on represents a significant investment for us. We want to get the most out of that investment of time, capital and opportunity cost, so team members at FTX are challenged to not only deliver at the highest level on their current tasks, but to learn new skills within and across disciplines. We want to make sure that our team members have every resource and opportunity to grow and move their careers forward during their time at FTX.
Indie Mentality, Big Company Resources
The DNA of our team is in independent development, both from our early days as Funtactix, but also from the type of people we attract to our team. Self-starters. Multidiscipline talents. Self-guided, ambitious dreamers.
It’s no secret that the weather can’t be beat. Sunshine and breeze off the ocean makes for a playground for beachgoers, outdoor enthusiasts, and fitness junkies. San Diegans are famous for being active-lifestyle nature lovers and we’re no exception.
San Diego schools are consistently rated among the top in the nation by US News & World Report. Given the importance of having a family friendly company, locating our HQ near best in class schools was a must for FTX.
Arts & Culture
If nightlife or the arts is more your speed, then the Spanish Colonial Architecture of Balboa Park has you covered. Great museums, art installations and exhibits, with the famed San Diego Zoo, Comic-Con, and a half-dozen Pro Sports teams around the corner means that no matter the activity you’re looking for, our city has you covered.
San Diego is a foodie’s dream. A diverse cuisine with a craft beer scene to boot makes it a wonderful place to find sustenance. If you’re looking for the best Mexican fare north of the border, just hit up the FTX Slack instance for recommendations. We’re serious about eats and the cuisine of San Diego – specifically Old Town – can’t be topped. Fresh seafood, fiery flavors and great spots for every budget and occasion might have played a critical role in our decision to HQ in SD.
Beach, Urban, or Suburban living
We aim to hire a diverse staff from all walks of life. San Diego gives us the perfect platform to accommodate team members looking for wildly disparate things. Whether you’re seeking a quiet beach bungalow, a bustling urban downtown, or a small-town suburban neighborhood, San Diego has you covered.
While we have staff all over the world, we rarely get complaints when we ask team members to fly to the Global HQ. We’re proud to call San Diego home and we think you’ll love it too.