Hi all, first of all I really enjoy this game and through all bad updates I have carried on playing with no complaints as it's a game. But now I am starting to get frustrated with these updates! First the port which a lot of us have spent resources, time and gold to no avail. Then they changed sics about which has really annoyed me, I'm level 50 and everyone in my map has rocket launcher health of 80k plus and piercing cannons with about 60k plus. Bearing in mind they are 8 of these in total then nerve cannon with 50k plus where there is 2. You have little chance of destroying these bases while progressing with resources you get from attack compared to resources you lose when raided! They nerfed scorpions and now In my mind it's time to revert back to old compound sic talents of 21% max not almost 50% as for me it's ruining the game