But what about if the vulnerable period also came into play if the player is online for 2 hours without attacking any player or outpost?
then a player could every 1 hour and 55 min make an attack, deploy and retreat with no losses, and then more 2 hours on invulnerabilaty. Maybe it would fix the really lazy people, but bet woudnt make much difference.
in any case i'll leave 2 ideas, probably not worth much

Reduce invulnerable time to 3 or 4 hours (so it gives more vulnerable hours per day)
After 3 or 4 hours online, if platons (not counting sicarios) are not completly full it starts a 5 (or 10 min) countdown to start filling the platons.
After platons are completly full, it starts another 10 (or 15 min) countdown for the player to make an attack.
And the circle goes on until the player stops playing and then the vulnerable time starts because there are no more attacks.
Vulnerable time can even be raised to 2 hours, since with this system we get the advantage of having the oportunity to fully get resources for what we want.
Problem is, pressuring a player that did not manage to get enough resources in 5 hours into spend gold for the rest of the resources he needs might not be something worthwile to abdicate (witch is normal in this games).
Second idea, discouraging playing , probably even more complicated :
The vulnerable concept disapears
atacking gives less 25% resources after 5 hours online
atacking gives less 50% resources after 6 hours online
atacking gives less 75% resources AND production buildings/resource centers give less 25% resources after 7 hours online
atacking gives 0 resources AND production buildings/resource centers give less 50% resources after 8 hours online
etc , etc
Then , for each offline hour it recovers 25% , witch means a player that is online 8 hours needs to be offline 4 hours to get 100 % of the resources from an attack.
A side note to how things are now:
There also needs to be a reboot for the 5 hours, like for after spending 4 hours offline. It is not really fair that a player for each 24 hours can only be vulnerable for 4 hours... It is unfair Comparing to someone that plays 2 hours in the morning and can only play again in the evening. This last player Not only already gave lots of offline time, he also does not have the right to have 5 hours to collect resources , only because this player works during the day, or any other millions reasons compared to players that can be manny hours online.