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  1. E

    How do you assign Big Bang skill?

    It hAS one damage [red] and two greens skills. Changing defense slot type changes it from damage to defense and back. I could not get green for nothing?
  2. E

    Thanks for 5 valuable skills chests offer

    For 500 gold you buy all level 1 valuable skills. All worthless and "valuable".
  3. E

    Dear developer & FTX

    In initial version of the game - Gold was used to accelerate the game progress. When you added sicario fusion - You moved this game into "Pay to Win" category, where individual pays $$$ to get for example +20% talents that allowed players and in many cases guaranteed a win against the opponent...
  4. E

    Finally Free Rocket Launcher and Mine upgrades

    Because you are such a good customer we are offering free mine upgrades Free Rocket launchers as well Do not stop clicking until you reach a million. It just works.
  5. E

    Are you guys aware that the App calls Maize sic

    Are you guys aware that the App CALLS Maize sic - Homeless_***er, right? Some may find it .. a little offensive, just saying.
  6. E

    Fundamental issues with this game

    This is what needs to be addressed. The game is pretty good .. till mid / high 40s than it is worthless IMHO. In any game there should be a fast path to progress using gold and a slow path collecting and harvesting resources. The developers of this game, in their wisdom, decided that the only...
  7. E

    Crashing, get offer fails, fails, etc

    My LG went boot loop and had to be sent back. [Never again LG]. Switched to moto. Crashes every 5 minutes. After a week of getting helmets, first time got decent pick a ripper. Game crashed, restated offered a ripper again, crashed, restarted - got another helmet. Sucks
  8. E

    Re: Ridiculous. Thank you FTX for fixing the issue

    Feel free to tell me to rearrange my camp again. Your gorrila structures are amazingly useful.. NOT 4 out of 5 like this
  9. E

    Honest League suggestion

    Can we have instead of regular medal count replaced with "medal count in the league". I mean when New League starts currently the difference between the top player and the bottom player was nearly 30 medals. [I checked one second after the start time]. I propose to replace medal count - with...
  10. E

    Is this a spelling issue?

    Why is "stone harvest" increasing iron deliveries?
  11. E

    Shield question

    1) My shield is raised for few days [first time], low rated player sacked one of mine resource centers. I can easily get it back, but will I loose the shield if I attacked this player? For the some reason, I thought that resource centers are protected while shielded. I guess I was wrong. 2)...
  12. E


    I am Lev 41, where most 42 will have issues, and even lev 43 will have good losses. Observe this clown takes down under 5 seconds w/o even deploying. Where is the game? 0 losses? Feel free to build any defense structure you want, or spend as much money on gorilla defenses. Will make 0 differences.
  13. E

    Resource center with 336/lumber per hour

    These are ridiculous when you are level 40+ and lumber required for upgrade ~ 1,200,000 per defense building. Lost hope that some new user will attack it and I can hit find another center. FTX any suggestions?
  14. E

    New areas of the map

    I already opened 150 areas on the map, and the app is not offering any more. Award states open 200 areas. How? Where are the last 50? What do I need to do to make them available?
  15. E

    Chase: How about this idea for event

    Original layout, take any unit you want, but you are given four sicarios ... All four are level 30 LIMON. That would be hilarious, to see level 50, who got used to 4 decked out scorpions, struggling with attacks on lev 20s finca with the LIMONs...
  16. E

    I think developers should be concerned

    Checkout the recent reviews ... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ftxgames.narcos&hl=en Would you download game with such stellar reviews?
  17. E

    If you purchased 3 sicario pack at 50% off what did you get?

    If you purchased 3 [five star] sicario pack at 50% off what did you get? I would hate to spend 3000 gold and get three of the common sics: Andres, Pablo, Lady, Lobo, Striker, Val, Sebastian, Victor
  18. E

    The main issue remains - lack of resouces

    I do not mind been raided. While sometimes I just can not understand how can I be raided by Level +7 player, what is the point of the revenge in that case ... it is the fact that with cartel wars boat changes, no events, and high players allowed to raid lower players .. I feel playing game now...
  19. E

    Resource center Defense secarios

    I would like some sort of indicator [icon overlay] that the secario is currently assigned to some resource center or base. With 35 secarios, I have to try 20 until I find the one that is not assign to defend any resource center. When You resource center is taken it wastes a lot of time. The...
  20. E

    Buggy cartel wars

    Capo did some good damage to the opponent compound. However system recorded nothing. Image shows enemy compound 100%. Totaly wasted strike.