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Unbalanced outposts


Active Member
Apr 7, 2017
right i never thought id be playing a cellphone game an put money into it. the cartel im in right now is called drug dealing felonz its small clan, 15 people my bros the captain. i just remebered we went against BAD.Hombres about 2 weeks ago your feeder clan. i jusy looked at your base why do you have setup for people to feed off of it.
Btw you have a pretty good nice and spread out layout, This is my normal layout what do you think?


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
is the tijuana cartel always looking for members? you just hit up zeusknows on line? haha that makes alot of sense now with your layout the whole shield thing. i only ise shields when theirs a event. i would take credit for my layout but i stole it from some guy named gun whos 38th in world. my base layouts in the past are ehh. just checked out your base it looks solid how often you defend. my base usally gets raided
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Apr 19, 2017
If you have 2 scorpion, take out the 2 rls on far left, and it will probably destroy 2 canons above them.
If not, missle them and deploy on right in front of other 2rls, flashbang rls 2 times and you should be good then.
Be aware after you destroy rls to flashbang nerve gas and move troops to far right corner.
Ive done this outpost when i was 41lvl


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
good advice. Flash helps. You may want to increase your flash training. Also, you can get rid of the c4 with a missile, bombing run, or paratroopers; or use gordos which can take a lot of damage. What is your typical troop mix?


Apr 13, 2017
Everyone hits this wall around your level. It's a pain. The outposts seem way to difficult for you. You need to do what everyone else has done, focus on building up your offensive capabilities and preferably an asymmetric attack style. Squad camps and training camps are your priority. You need to increase your squad camps to allow for more offensive troop power. In the training camp, you need to train according to your long range attack style. If you use gordos and rpgs, max out their training and don't spend time training the other troop types. Most higher level players have an offensive strategy based around one or more weapon types (with accompanying sicarios and talents) with the most popular being the ubiquitous Diego/ missile combination.
I've got everything good 2 squad camp lvl 16 and 2 lvl 14, 3 diegos lvl 5 and quica with 16% rocket damage, but outposts lvl 50 are out of my league. Ok i can destroy some of them, but if there is 3 or 4 rocket lounchers i can just look


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
On the one posted above, two flashes will disable all the rls for a brief period.

Ridin Dirty

Apr 27, 2017
On the one posted above, two flashes will disable all the rls for a brief period.
Yeah.... what about the four nerve gas cannons and four piercing cannons for a level 38-42 player had to deal with in that map?

Vinnie Di Maggio

Active Member
Apr 14, 2017
If you have 2 scorpion, take out the 2 rls on far left, and it will probably destroy 2 canons above them.
If not, missle them and deploy on right in front of other 2rls, flashbang rls 2 times and you should be good then.
Be aware after you destroy rls to flashbang nerve gas and move troops to far right corner.
Ive done this outpost when i was 41lvl
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to take it when I reach level 41, too. But I have this outpost since I was level 37. I can assure you there is no way you can take this one on level 37, even with all offenses maxed out.

Remember, you are limited to finca level 16 until you reach level 41, which means that training squads, helipad, training camp and all related upgrades (missiles, firebombs) are limited to a level that does not allow enough firepower to take out this particular level 54 outpost. I was able to take out other level 54 outposts with different layouts when I was still at level 37, though.

This outpost shouldn't be presented to a level 37 player. I've been repeating this several times here but everyone seems to consider this as normal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
Well, hang in there. Pretty soon you'll be strong enough to take it. Chase replied to this general situation today and stated it was by design. They want you to advance through pvp raids and eventually you'll be there.

One other advice i was thinking of... Sometimes when i attack, I am conscious of the placement of the different troop types and which one is likely to be attacked by which weapon. I'll let my gordos take the lead and deploy my rpgs where they can safely get into the fight without getting killed first.

Vinnie Di Maggio

Active Member
Apr 14, 2017
good advice. Flash helps. You may want to increase your flash training. Also, you can get rid of the c4 with a missile, bombing run, or paratroopers; or use gordos which can take a lot of damage. What is your typical troop mix?
I don't have a mix, I use all flacos. My flashbang is already maxed out for my level, as well as missiles, firebombs, flacos, all 4 squad camps and helipad. I use 3 diegos and 1 scorpion with a total of:
+126% missile damage
+38% firebomb damage
+40% flashbang duration
+15% energy gain

I'm not sure using gordos would help a lot in my position since my gordos are level 9 and my flacos level 16. Here's a quick comparison:

Using flacos:
total troop health = 124,992
total troop damage = 28;224

Using gordos:
total troop health = 144,256
total troop damage = 3,296

As you can see the health is barely superior for gordos (and the risk is concentrated on a lot smaller number of troops), while the damage is almost 10 times superior with flacos.

Vinnie Di Maggio

Active Member
Apr 14, 2017
One other advice i was thinking of... Sometimes when i attack, I am conscious of the placement of the different troop types and which one is likely to be attacked by which weapon. I'll let my gordos take the lead and deploy my rpgs where they can safely get into the fight without getting killed first.
Now that's interesting. Having used mostly all flacos since the beginning, I hadn't notice that there were priorities in the target selection of the weapons. Can you expand on this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
Well, it's not that different weapons target different troop types, rather if i have 2 squads of gordos and 2 squads of rpgs, I might flash most of the nearby weapons, deploy the gordos near the active weapons, wait a second (to let the weapons target the gordos), and then deploy my rpgs a little off to the side. The gordos take the initial barrage and then my rpgs start their reign of destruction. This generally works well.

Vinnie Di Maggio

Active Member
Apr 14, 2017
Oh I see. Too bad, I was starting to think there was some kind of super AI in the weapons... :)

Yes the gordo/RPG combination is efficient, but having capitalized all my upgrades on flacos (lots of flaco-related talents on my offensive sicarios too), I am not going to change that. I might experiment a medico/flaco combination though.

Vinnie Di Maggio

Active Member
Apr 14, 2017
I've spoken to the team about this, and the design idea behind outposts is similar to the PVE elements in other similar games - in that it's leveling is static and the players you face is dynamic. You cannot PVE your way to the top - it will out level you if you do not fight players as well.
Thanks for the feedback, but I don't understand how this applies to my situation.

I am attacking all outposts daily, as well as all player bases (map + revenge). I understand that the design idea you described is aimed at players who skip attacking other players and only attack outposts, is that so?

Moreover, most of the players run into the level 54 outposts at level 41/42 from what I've read here. Why have I had these since the moment I reached level 37? I find it a little unfair because I cannot take out all the outposts on my map, unlike the other players at level 37-40, thus I am even more handicapped in the tournament: this plus the fact that each week starts with a 170 medals gap to the first guy makes it impossible to climb the ladder, and very difficult to even stay in my current league.