Ok where do i start as game needs so many fixes or "improvements" as ftx calls it.
1. A system where players can mail other players and cartels can send group mails (this because some cqrtels have members on different timezones)
2. Redoing player maps to opponents being 1 level below or above you(including your own level) as current system is totally unfair.(im a lvl 44 player constantly being hit by lvl 46 & 47 players and dont have the capabilities yet to destroy their 3 rocket launchers and upgraded nerve gas cannon,yet alone other defenses they have.
3. A new league with players of own level and where you are all placed in the same pool competing for weekly prizes.
4. Making acquiring sicario talents fairer, i.e once a player has spent so much, say 750 gold,thengame offers them a 3/5 talent of their choice.
5. Fix the glitch with finca being destroyed only with missiles or firebombs, this is driving players away from game.
6. Have a system where game hands over reins of cartel from capo to another member once capo becomes inactive
7. Introduce something where cartel members can buy other cartel members packages at a reduced price (say a $10 for 1000 gold or something)
8. Reopen port and perhaps use it where cartel members can send resources to each other or at least in its former capacity with the option to save resources earnt for future upgrades or research.
Lets be honest here,players are leaving the game in droves and ftx is driving away its customer base by trying to force players into spending money(how do i know players are leaving in droves,you ask?ive been in 2 cartels and majority of members became inactive,most after recent map improvements were introduced). If ftx made the whole system fairer, it wouldn't need to introduce so many new schemes to woo spending because no matter how you look at it, if people think they aint getting a fair deal then theyll take their money elsewhere which is where I'm at
Since i starting playing about 4 months ago, ive spent in excess of $750 on game but am on verge of quitting as its a waste of time me playing or spending money when developers make it so easy for higher opponents to plunder lower ranked players.
The flow on from this is those bigger players stop spending money as resources become easier to acquire and lower ranked players stop playing due to their hard work and resources going to bigger,stronger players.