I'm going to drop this list of my current gripes with this game, so potentially, new players can see what they are getting into. Hopefully these can be passed on to the developers, but I am not holding my breath at all given recent events.
- Chat Fix - Increase the absolutely archaic 30 line cartel chat retention limit, this forces players to use other applications to chat.
- Chat Fix - Placing cartel upgrade/speedup/completion messages in it's own tab, so they don't spam chat (Further decreasing what cartel members can read)
- Chat Fix - Give us the chat box option/icon while using the Attack Map!
It really amazes me how bad the chat system is for a 2-3 year old game, It's time to fix it already!
- Cartel UI - Online or Offline Indicator, allowing us to see who is online
- Show us a % on purchasable chests - On things like skill boxes (% to get how many dice), sicario chests, etc, of what we can actually get and the percentage of actually getting what we could want (isn't this illegal to not do these days? since it is pretty much gambling with real money, every other mobile or online game I have played has this, why not this one?).
- Donation UI - Allow a players donation's to fill the capacity of cartel storages when the slider is maxed, instead of erroring out with the "The Cartel Bank is at maximum capacity" which then forces players to grab a calculator and math out exactly how much they can donate. Use an overlay on the resource to indicate when that cartel storage is Full!
- Donation UI - Donation History is an ugly clustered mess, we need better trackable metrics in here that show donation frequency, days since donated, etc! instead of just a spam list that is impossible to go through and track.
- Selling Item UI - When selling a particular item that you have thousands of, but only want to sell 50, you are stuck holding the button down for 2 minutes, allow us to enter a number!
- Attack Map - Give us a way to change squad loadouts on the map, (similar to what we can do when scouting bases in a war!) instead of having to go back home, then to map.
- Attack Map - Allow us to repair squads without having to go home, then back to the map!
- Enemy AI - this does not scale well, it only scales up! to the point where you will eventually be attacking AI that is 15 levels above you (if you level lock and gain a ton of medals/league ranks) once you are 15 levels below the AI, the informant base event become near impossible since the bracket system they use is really poor and does not scale down, doesn't take into consideration cartel moves, etc etc, your ruined.
- Sicario Portraits - Allow clicking on an attackers sicario portrait to aid new players in seeing what that particular sicario does! (nothing fancy, just a simple base talent popup like the roulette wheel portrait!)
- Overhaul the entire Sicario Select UI - See the new sticker feature thread.... and my bad, but improved design

- Overhaul the Sicario upgrade UI - See the beautiful suggestions with well done layout improvements in the Bug/Suggestions forum section.
- Offerwall is extremely bad - Quite often players who switch devices get doubles of offers they already did, which seem legit, especially when playing for a long time and often forget they did this offer a year or so ago, this list needs to be generated on an account based system where players can KNOW the offer they are doing WILL BE HONORED! Several times I know for sure I did not play X game or complete X reward and their Customer Service completely brushed me off to the point where it is not worth even trying these anymore.
- Vulnerable to Attack Message - This needs to either move and be placed in an area that does not conflict with other window countdown's like it does presently!
- Chat Fix Suggestion - Allow us to send private messages! Have a friends list, etc! standard stuff in modern day games.
- Personal Profiles - Give us a section to write a short description of yourself for other cartel members to read!
- War Tab - Allow us to easily track what player attacked what player in the Your Cartel, and Enemy Cartel (Clicking the 3 attack boxes) instead of scrolling down the left side replay list individually clicking on all attacks to find one...
- War Tab - give us a notes section that L's, RH's, and Capo's can use to write strategy down.
- Show Resources Required for the next level on the upgrade window of all units/buildings! instead of relying on 3rd party sites and lists on the web.
- Sicario Challenge - This extremely powerful reward statue Forces players to forgo the willingness to upgrade sicario's outside of this challenge window, this breaks an integral part of character progression by being forced to save plata instead of actually using it as intended. Suggest extending both the window and the statue uptime! where losers can re-compete the following week, and the winner can go 2, 3, 4 weeks with the reward, or opt back in to re-challenge.
- Bounty Hunt - Hardly a cartel vs. other cartels event when you can pay to win by crafting attacks for gold
the only legit skill based cartel event in this game is the internal cartel chest event (outside of wars ofc). Can we get events that don't pit our banks vs other banks for the benefit of FTX? seems like whoever has the biggest big money whale of a spender will win these cartel matchups by themselves. Looking for some skill based equality (might be a bit much) IE) the cartel who collectively gets the most medals in your pool wins...
- Talent Upgrades - For the love of god, let us upgrade from a level 1 talent all the way up to 6, without having to spend hundreds, or thousands of gold on re-rolling 5/5's. This is an obvious cash grab! give us a break! allow everyone to participate in the new talent upgrade events and allow us to apply those to ALL levels of talents! anything but re-rolling a 4/6 to get a 5/6 which is required for 6/6.... Almost every upgrade system in this game outside of building requires $, it comes across as super greedy when no alternatives are available.
- Building deletion - Allow players to spend, 2x, 3x, 4x whatever amount of resources to delete the buildings they either overdid when they were a newb, rather than letting new players spend xxx$ only to realize the best option is to just start a new account.
Most Importantly!
- This FTX trend of overpowering Sicario's, doing nothing about them, and then releasing paid solutions to counter the very Sicarios you broke is getting VERY old! Start taking action instantly, instead of suckering in players to buy the brokenly OP Sicario, and then double dipping into their wallets to make them also buy the new Sicarios / buildings you create that fix your original mistakes!!!!! You make a ton of profit on these Sicario's that cost more than AAA console or PC games, do the right thing folks! This only breeds hate.
When a company releases quality of life improvements ALONGSIDE the cash generating items that keeps them rolling, rather that just the later, the community thrives, FTX thrives, and we both win. So far, we haven't seen much in terms of proper fixes that address issues that have plagued this game for almost 2 years. When these simple fixes are neglected like they have been, no one will want to play the new games you develop because they know they won't get any improvements over time.... Your brand is then tainted for all those players who were still your potential clients!
We want this game to be decent, and thus these threads that popup need to be addressed instead of left to fester like they have been; we all lose in this current scenario where FTX does the minimal possible to quality of life, but pushes super hard just their profit generating agenda.
We need FTX to be the old school Blizzard type company who cares about polish and good mechanics over pure greed! hopefully, this can sway some minds. Doubtful, but hopeful, either way the clock is ticking.
Take care,